Condos in Austin under $100k
Looking for a condo in Austin?
Inexpensive housing can be hard to find in Austin these days. With over 150 people moving into the city each day, demand is outstripping the supply.However, while it's harder to find a house under $100k, oftentimes you can find a nice condo in the price range.Condos in Austin under $100k Click that link to find all available condos in Austin under $100k
Locations for these condos
These condos will rarely be found downtown. Instead, the bulk of them are located around 183. Occasionally you can find them around campus or south around 71, but those are harder to come by.
Don't forget the amenities. Even at an affordable price point, these complexes can have pools, bbq's and other common areas that make living there a blast!Are you looking for an affordable condo? Check out these condos in Austin under $100k![wnt_grid ownertype="all" paginated="false" sortoptions="true" maxresults="50" search_mode="form" primarysearchtype="active" searchtype="city" state="TX" min_price="0" max_price="100000" listing_status="Active" city="Austin" condo="y" /]